Monday, April 19, 2010

Jesus loves you: CLICHE!

We're completely surrounded by cliche's in life without ever really realizing it. Live and learn: CLICHE! Stay the course: CLICHE! What goes around comes around: CLICHE! Go to college to get a good job: CLICHE! And in this revelation's case: never give up, never give in! One person's words of hope and wisdom are another cynic's bane.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Scary Responsibilities

Good thing that this woman wrote down her fear of responsibilities while sitting on the toilet. Otherwise, she'd have one hell of a mess on her hands.

Monday, April 5, 2010

"Trash" Talk

While sitting on the toilet, one ponders many things: the meaning of life, levels of self hunger, whom to have "crushes" on, etc. This person took a break from that level of self reflection to comment on the observations written on the stall walls. Instead of posting a blanket statement for all to see, this woman, instead, reflected upon the actual art form of the bathroom confessional. In a sense, this revelation is the most Post-Modern of all. She makes a statement about bathroom revelations via a bathroom revelation. Whoa, that is really deep. It is a self-reflexive bathroom statement.

Also, it is noteworthy that "trashy" is written in quotes, as if she overheard someone else talking about the revelations as trashy. This fair woman is standing up for bathroom revelations! To each their own!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pregnancy Pact

Good point. Because we are all willing to go through extreme lengths to make college education more affordable. Thanks budget cuts!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Perfect Debate

Ms. Green: The worst way to forget something is by writing it on a bathroom wall where not only you but everyone can see and be reminded as to how "perfect" everything is. Also, everything is ONE WORD.

Ms. Purple: Thanks for the reality check. I'm going to go kill myself now.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Yo Momma Don't Wear No Drawers!

What's so great about this exclamation by this lovely young woman is that she is utterly ecstatic over her ability to in fact "P & Poo." She would also like to remind you that your mother doesn't wear underwear. She has seen it, and it isn't pretty.

*Does this post count as a true Lavatory Revelation? Yes, it's a beautiful life reflection written in a bathroom stall, but it wasn't written on the wall (this person chose the original placement of TP wrapping). Let's hear your thoughts!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Alex has herpes.

Apparently Alex failed to tell this lovely lady that he had herpes. Good thing she is letting the world know, via bathroom stall. I hope she realizes that she is also letting the world know what she did in fact sleep with Alex and subsequently has herpes too.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Poker Face? More like, Poo Poo Face.

This lovely confessional brings into mind the epic literary tradition of the fatal flaw. Lady Gaga and the lack of pants would be our modern day adaptation of Achilles and his fatal tendon. Her being a genius, however, is open to debate.


Friday, February 19, 2010

We have made contact.

Yes, Hallie and I finally started a "picture blog" documenting short laments, discourses, and reflections that articulate young college girls scribble on bathroom stall walls. We call them Lavatory Revelations. The poetry will be posted shortly. We will attempt to discuss and/or analyze these revelations. Sample: "God loves Anne Frank." What this means....we don't know. Maybe this female is confused as to which "God" actually loves Anne Frank.

Hal & Sarah